The interactive people that wanders around the town of Dun Darach.
Identity Badge
This is the symbol, containing a characters initial, that is display underneath the stage to identify each character as they walk pass the camera.
The following strings are embedded within the code.
802D "we sell:"
8043 "we buy:"
806D "s for "
807D "ir"
Str_Deposit "deposit fee 50ir"
Str_DepositRate "min.deposit 1000+bank rate 1% per day"
Str_PortationFee "portation fee: 200"
8397 "iridi?"
83BC "searching..."
83F8 "no answer!"
841F "for what?"
845E "no thank you"
8490 "thank you"
8504 "how generous!"
8530 "i am only a rat"
8659 "locked"
89A1 "halt for the yoeman!"
89D1 2thievery is costly.."
Str_StopThief "stop thief!"
8A72 "not enough!"
8A84 "Deposite taken 50ir"
8ABA "locked"
8ADB "fee deducted 200ir"
Msg_FairExchange "a fair exchange!"
8B61 "i am seen"
8E47 "2-1 2,3,4,10,11,12"
8E67 "bet"
8E82 "evens 5,6,8,9"
8E9E "bet"
8F67 "place your bets"
8FBC "no more bets"
9040 ": "
9080 "a wins"
90C2 "b wins"
9CA3 "bank: "
9CB3 " ir"
9CF5 " tokens"
9D02 " iridi"
9D3C "s" Stolen indicator
Str_HandsFull "your hands are full"
Msg_YourPardon "your pardon"
Text_Menu Menu Text
AFEB "start tape..."
B090 "abandoned"
B0A9 "enter version letter"
Exit values:
N 0 1
E 1 2
S 2 4
W 3 8
The index is used by the compass and map.
The flags are used by the room data, where if that bit is set, then the data will contain information on that particular exit.