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8DB6: Action Hander for Alter of the Seal.
Used by the routine at 891F.
ActionSeal 8DB6 LD A,(CamDirection_DFD2) Test for camera (00)
8DB9 CP $00
8DBB JR NZ,ActionTablet_0
8DBD LD HL,ActionAlterDataExt Set up for alter extended action data
8DC0 LD (IX+$0E),L
8DC3 LD (IX+$0F),H
8DC6 LD B,$05
8DC8 LD DE,$0003
Look to see if all items are complete.
ActionSeal_0 8DCB LD A,(HL)
8DCD JR NZ,ActionSeal_1
8DD0 DJNZ ActionSeal_0
8DD2 JP Vector_ActionWin
Still have objects left to drop.
ActionSeal_1 8DD5 LD HL,(BmpData_Alter) Point to the Alter's bitmap.
8DD8 LD (IX+$10),L
8DDB LD (IX+$11),H
8DDE LD (IX+$12),$05 Set the size for the Alter.
8DE2 LD HL,(ManData_PosSecondary_dfc5) Get position for man and scenery ready...
8DE5 LD E,(IX+$07)
8DE8 LD D,(IX+$08)
8DEB JR ActionAlterEntry Jump to the Tablet code for checking for a correct drop and updating the Alter's bitmap.
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